2ndEdition Math CCSS Review Morning Work Freebie
Happy Friday!
I hope you all have had a great week. It's been an exhausting one on my end, but am thankful for the weekend. Great News!!! I've created the second addition of 5th Common Core Math Review Practice Sheets. Like I've mentioned in a previous post, I suggest printing two sheets to a page to save paper/copies. We're using them in my classroom to build a review book for each student before the state testing (EOG's) at the end of May. I give these for morning work a few days a week to keep skills fresh on the minds of my students. I hope you can use them and will continue to build packs of these review sheets for us. Download your freebie here . Have a great weekend!
Here's a quadrilateral problem that received a lot of commentary about its appropriateness for 5th grade: