Teaching Examples

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Inferencing With iFake Texts

This is a picture of my completed example for the children and for you all.
Need a way to connect with your children and practice inferencing?  I highly recommend  www.ifaketext.com.  We read our weekly basal story and then the children picked two characters from the story to create a text message conversation.  Students had to infer what the characters would text about if they had iphones in the story.  Their text conversations had to be relevant to the story itself.  After entering the text conversation they printed it out.  Colored pencils were used to color the conversation bubbles to save printer ink; crayons were too dark.  Next, they took the printed out conversation and used black construction paper to trace an iphone inspired shape on the construction paper so they could glue the conversation down.    Then, they used a white colored pencil to add the iphone details.  After that, they wrote a few sentences explaining why the characters were texting what they were.  We glued the phone and explanation sentences to a piece of construction paper.  Voila!  The children were able to infer about characters without realizing it.  They had so much fun and we will definitely do this again!  Click the bolded words for the printable links to the sentence starters and iphone tracer.  FYI, there's also an ifakesuri web site.  I'm not quite sure how I will use it, but hope to.  How would you use ifakesuri in your classroom?

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