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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

MobyMax Anyone?

WOW!  Two days of blogging in a row?!  The snow days are definitely helping to free up some time for blogging.  ;)  I've been meaning to write this post for quite some time; however, like I mentioned yesterday, time hasn't been on my side.  

Have you heard of MobyMax?  It's one of my favorite research based tools I use daily in my classroom.  I use it in several ways and I will tell you more about how in just a minute.  One of the first things I do at the beginning of every school year is set up accounts on MobyMax for my students to take an online placement test.  The results of the placement test provide data to remediate and guide my instruction each year in Math.  MobyMax also provides these same services and data points in several other areas.  I took a screen shot of what is offered for you to see the awesome options you have using MobyMax in your classroom. 
This is a screenshot of options/subjects offered by MobyMax.
I've only used MobyMax for math, but plan on beginning the Language lessons/assessments when we return from the snow days.  My students will begin by taking the placement test for Language just like they did for Math.  After the placement tests are complete, they will visit MobyMax Language as a workstation rotation during our literacy block to practice grammar.  Having students visit MobyMax during our literacy block allows them exposure and practice with grammar that otherwise wouldn't get the attention it needs. It's also a clever way to incorporate the Common Core and technology daily in Reading Workshop/Daily 5.

Now back to how I use MobyMax Math in my classroom~
Like I said earlier, I use it in several ways. I've listed my "Top 5" ways I use MobyMax; however, I use it in more than 5 ways and hope to have a follow up post on more ways to use it in the classroom at a later date.  First, I use it to learn more about my student's strengths. Second, I have students visit MobyMax Math as a workstation in math workshop twice a week for 20 minutes each session.  Third, I have students practice online at home twice a week for part of their homework.  If students don't have access to the internet at home, they complete it for morning work the following day at school. Fourth, I use it for progress monitoring of students I'm concerned with and are considering for RTI paperwork and EC/Special Ed referrals.  Fifth, I use it to help my EC/Special Ed students get more practice in math in hopes of making progress towards IEP goals.  Below are some screen shots to help you visualize what I'm talking about.  

Now for the gist of this post....MobyMax is an AMAZING research based tool!  If you don't use it, you should start..like tomorrow!  ;)  Thanks for hanging in there!  Until next time...

Measuring Student Growth

Assign Assessments

Progress Monitoring Graph

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Happy 2015! It's better late than never...right?!

Hey There!  It's been a LLLLOOOONNNNGGG time since I last blogged.  Needless to say life has kept me busy and there are only so many hours in the day!  Long story short, I was training for and ran my first marathon, had pneumonia, birthday parties, holiday parties, medical issues trying to expand our family, and a resignation letter for the end of the school year!  Oh my!  Those are just a few of my crazy experiences since last time.  Now, I FINALLY feel like I can get back in a groove of blogging and hope you are still hanging with me.  
Family picture after crossing the finish line of my very first marathon!  So proud of my husband for surprising me with a poster at mile 16!
Now, on a school note....Since coming back from Christmas break, the noise volume/talking out of turn behavior has been ATROCIOUS!  I did what any tech savvy teacher would do and went straight to Pinterest for answers!  Haha!!  I quickly found what I wanted to do and have loved every day after in my classroom using the BLURT chart.  You can read more about the BLURT chart by checking out the idea inspiration here.  Of course, I did have to "Seuss it up" to make it fit my classroom decor! I have a classroom economy and each hat has a monetary value/consequence.  You know what they say..."get em where it hurts...the wallet"!  My students are very competitive with earning money for our monthly classroom auction; therefore, making the BLURT chart has proven to be a very lucrative management tool.  If you have off task/chatty friends these days, I totally recommend trying out the BLURT chart! 
BLURT chart "Seuss" style!
Thanks for hanging with me!  I'm looking forward to fabulous posts on a more regular basis!  Until next time...